Heegaard genus, degree-one maps, and amalgamation of 3-manifolds
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2021-11-25   浏览次数: 10



*主讲人:Tao Li 教授(Boston College)

*主持人:邹燕清 研究员


Let $W$ be the exterior of a knot in a homology sphere and let $M$ be an amalgamation of $W$ and any other compact 3-manifold along boundary torus. Let $N$ be the manifold obtained by pinching $W$ into a solid torus. This means that there is a degree-one map from $M$ to $N$. We prove that the Heegaard genus of $M$ is at least as large as the Heegaard genus of $N$. An immediate corollary is that the tunnel number of a satellite knot is at least as large as the tunnel number of its pattern knot.


Tao Li 教授,AMS fellow, 2014 ICM 45min speaker,  Simons followship,  Sloan fellowship, 解决了关于三维流形的Waldhausen  猜想。