An explicit formula for the adjoint twisted Reidemeister torsion
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2021-11-24   浏览次数: 10



*主讲人:Yang Tian 副教授(Texas A&M University)

*主持人:邹燕清 研究员


In this talk, I will present an explicit formula we found for the Reidemeister torsion of a closed oriented hyperbolic 3-manifold twisted by the adjoint action of the holonomy representation of the fundamental group of the manifold. This is to the best of our knowledge the first known explicit formula for such quantity.

In the formula, we consider the manifolds as obtained by doing hyperbolic Dehnfillingsalong a universal family of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds, known as the fundamental shadow links, and the torsion is expressed in terms of the logarithmic holonomy of the meridians of the fundamental shadow links. This is a joint work with Ka Ho Wong


Yang Tian  Texas A&M University 长聘副教授,2013-2017 Stanford University 助理教授,解决了关于体积猜想的一系列问题。