Variation of a functional on the Riemannian submanifold and its applications in Finsler geometry
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2020-10-19   浏览次数: 33

报告人:崔宁伟副教授 (西南交通大学)


会议地点:腾讯会议ID:508 474 362


摘要:In 1998, Z. Shen introduced the minimal submanifold in a Finsler manifold via the volume variation without using any connection. He proved the rigidity result that there is no closed orientable minimal submanifold in any Minkowksian space. We find a natural identity on the submanifold in an arbitrary general (alpha,beta)-manifold (introduced by C. Yu and H. Zhu). It enables us to prove the nonexistence of closed orientable minimal submanifolds in certain non-Minkowksian manifolds (including the Funk manifold and the Berward’s manifold of flag curvature K=0 in 1929).