Nonlinear Dirichlet (p,q)-problems with continuous spectrum
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2019-12-10   浏览次数: 41

报告人:Professor Vicentiu Radulescu

Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest and University of Craiova, Romania

主持人:周风 教授



报告摘要:We consider a nonlinear eigenvalue problem driven by the (p,q)-Laplace operator. We establish a striking result that shows both the existence of a continuous spectrum and a discontinuity property of the spectrum near the limiting value of the parameter. The proof combines variational and topological methods with basic properties of the associated Nehari manifold.

报告人简介:Professor V Radulescu has received both his PhD and Habilitation at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) under the coordination of Professor H. Brezis. His research field is at the interplay between nonlinear functional analysis, calculus of variations, and mathematical physics. He is Professorial Fellow at the Simion Stoilow Mathematics Institute of the Romanian Academy and full professor at the University of Craiova. He is also member of some international scientific society and member of editorial board of many international journals, including Editor-in-Chief and founder of Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, Editor-in-Chief of “Nonlinear Analysis” and “Boundary Value Problems”. He is author of many books, including (with M. Ghergu) “Singular Elliptic Problems. Bifurcation and Asymptotic Analysis”, Oxford University Press, 2008 and “Nonlinear PDEs: Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Population Genetics”, Springer Monographs in Mathematics 2012. He is listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters). See more details at