Integer 11-flows of signed graphs
发布人: 系统管理员   发布时间: 2016-07-07   浏览次数: 202

主讲人:Prof. CQ Zhang(张存铨 教授)

主持人:任韩 教授

开始时间:2016年7月9日(周日) 上午10点


主办单位:数学系 科技处


张存铨教授是美国West Virginia University 数学系首席教授,国际知名图论研究专家。他主要研究兴趣在图的整数流、图的染色、圈复盖等图论重要研究领域,发表了两本专著和100多篇学术论文,多发表在J. of Combin. Theory (B)、Euorp. J. Combin、SIAM J. Discret. Math等组合图论领域顶尖期刊上。目前是国际上这一领域中的领军人物.


In 1983, Bouchet proposed a conjecture that every flow-admissible signed graph has a nowhere-zero 6-flow. Recently, DeVos proved that every such signed graph admits a nowhere-zero 12-flow. In this talk, we will present a recent improvement of DeVos's result for bridgeless signed graphs,and show that every bridgeless flow-admissible signed graph admits a nowhere-zero 11-flow.