Deformations of symplectic singularities and the orbit method for Semisimple Lie Algebras
发布人: 系统管理员   发布时间: 2016-07-07   浏览次数: 215

Deformations of symplectic singularities and the orbit method for Semisimple Lie Algebras


讲座题目:Deformations of symplectic singularities and the orbit method for Semisimple Lie Algebras

主讲人:Ivan Losev (美国Northeastern University)

主持人:舒斌 教授

开始时间:2016-7-14(周四) 10:00-12:00


主办单位:数学系 科技处


美国东北大学数学系教授。2007年获莫斯科大学博士学位;2007-2008:白俄罗斯国立大学;2008-2011: 麻省理工学院讲师;2011-2015:美国东北大学副教授。



Symplectic singularities were introduced by Beauville in 2000. These are especially nice singular Poisson algebraic varieties that include symplectic quotient singularities and the normalizations of orbit closures in semisimple Lie algebras. Poisson deformations of conical symplectic singularities were studied by Namikawa who proved that they are classified by points of a vector space. Recently I have proved that quantizations of conical symplectic singularities are still classified by the points of the same vector spaces. I will explain these results and then apply them to establish a version of Kirillov’s orbit method for semisimple Lie algebras.