Convergence theorems for contractive barycentric maps
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2018-06-06   浏览次数: 32

报告人: 日合文雄(Fumio Hiai)教授 (日本东北大学)
时间:2018年6月13日 (周三) 下午15: 00
地点:数学楼 401 报告厅
主持人:詹兴致 教授

I first explain a theory of conditional expectations for random variables with values in a complete metric space equipped with a contractive barycentric map b, and then give convergence theorems for martingales of b-conditional expectations. I give the Birkhoff ergodic theorem for b-values of ergodic empirical measures and provide a description of the ergodic limit function in terms of the b-conditional expectation. Moreover, the large derivation property of b-values of i.i.d. empirical measures is obtained by applying the Sanov large deviation principle.