Finite generation for valuations beyond divisors
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2024-07-24   浏览次数: 10

*时间:2024年7月30日 10:00-11:00


*主讲人:许晨阳 教授(美国普林斯顿大学)

*主持人:刘钢 教授


One major new birational geometry problem arising in understanding stable degeneration of varieties, which is the algebraic analogue to the compactness of Kähler-Einstein type metrics, is finite generation for valuations of higher rational rank. In the past a few years, we have established finite generation for minimizing valuations of various functionals, by first showing those minimizers are ‘special’; and then proving any special valuation satisfies finite generation. In this talk, I will report results along this direction. (Based on joint work with Yuchen Liu and Ziquan Zhuang).

