The classification problem for separable amenable C*-algebras
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2019-05-30   浏览次数: 67

主讲人:多伦多大学,George Elliott 院士 


开始时间:2019-6-10 上午 9:00—9:50


主办单位:数学科学学院 科技处 

报告人简介:George A. Elliott教授是C*-代数分类理论的开创者,是国际算子代数及其应用领域的领袖人物。他提出了著名的“Elliott分类纲领”(也称为“Elliott猜想”),数十年来引领和极大地推动了C*-代数理论的发展。1982年,George A. Elliott教授当选加拿大皇家科学院院士;1994年,被邀请在苏黎世国际数学家大会(ICM)上做报告;1996年,获得CRM-Fields Institute奖;1998年,获得Jeffery–Williams奖;1999年,获得 John L. Synge Award奖;2008年,当选丹麦皇家科学院外籍院士;2012年,当选美国数学会首届会士。

报告内容简介:The general question of classification for (separable)amenable C*-algebras seems to be more complicated than the analogous question for von Neumann algebras, which was solved completely over thirty years ago. In that setting, the simple case was equivalent to the general case, owing to direct integral theory, but for C*-algebras solving the simple case is only the beginning! Furthermore, even the simple case is only a dream, beyond the Toms-Winter subclass---which, notably, has now been solved. (Assuming the Universal Coefficient Theorem, which may be redundant in the amenable setting.) This work, a large part of which (the infinite case) was consolidated twenty-five years ago, has developed over more than fifty years, and has been to a large extent co-extensive with the development of the field as a whole.