Current Advances in Mathematical Problem-Posing Research: Initial Findings from a Longitudinal Project
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2020-06-05   浏览次数: 43

报告人:蔡金法 教授

主持人:张晋宇 博士




  蔡金法,萧山人。美国特拉华大学Kathleen and David Hollowell 终身讲席教授,西南大学特聘海外名师,曾任华东师范大学紫江特聘教授。2010年当选美国数学教育研究协会(SIG/RME)的理事长,2015年, 被聘为全球最有影响的Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) 杂志主编 (2015-2020). 2016年当选为美国教育研究协会 (AERA) 终生Fellow,2017 年获得特拉华大学的College of Arts and Sciences 颁发的杰出研究奖. 2018年获得美国德拉华州的杰出贡献奖 (Webber Award),以肯定蔡教授在本州中对数学教育的贡献。他曾受聘于美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)作为项目主任(Program Director), 同时也是美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)、美国教育部, 香港社会科学和人类研究, 以及加拿大社会科学和人类研究项目的评审专家. 蔡教授共主持多项科研项目,科研经费累计超700万美元,累计发表英文论文200余篇,中文论文80余篇,出版论著10余部。目前,他正担任 Springer的数学教育专著系列的主编。在过去的十几年,蔡老师在全国各地带领多个名师班,旨力于培养探究型教师。蔡金法教授是亚洲数学教育中心学术委员会委员。


Problem posing, the process of formulating and expressing problems based on a given situation, is an essential practice in mathematics and other disciplines. Although this is acknowledged in policy documents for school mathematics, problem posing is neither substantively nor consistently included in curriculum and instruction. Thus, mathematics education research community has started to conduct research on problem posing from various perspectives. In this presentation, I will first discuss the current advances in mathematical problem-posing research, and then I will introduce a research program. The research program was created to longitudinally investigate the impact of problem-posing professional development on teachers’ learning to teach mathematics using problem posing and students’ learning of mathematics. I will end the presentation by presenting initial findings from the longitudinal research project.