Berge conjecture for tunnel number one knots
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2020-05-25   浏览次数: 32

报告人:Tao Li Professor (Boston College)

主持人:邱瑞锋 教授

报告时间:2020年5月30日 8:00

报告平台:ZOOM会议 ID: 274 175 4144 ,密码:930643

报告人简介:Tao Li  Professor in Boston College  AMS Fellow;2014 Seoul ICM 45min Invited Speaker ;Simons Fellowship; Liftoff Fellowship, Clay Mathematics Institute;Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship.

报告内容摘要: Let K be a tunnel number one knot in M, where M is either S3, S2×S1, or a connected sum of S2×S1with a lens space. We prove that if a Dehn surgery on K yields a lens space, then K is a doubly primitive knot in M. For M =S3, this resolves the tunnel number one Berge Conjecture. For M =S2×S1, this resolves a conjecture of Greene and Baker-Buck-Lecuona for tunnel number one knots. This is joint work with Yoav Moriah and Tali Pinsky.