【校庆学术报告】Presentations of Quantum Affine Algebras and Extended Quantum Affine Algebras
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2022-10-20   浏览次数: 10

报告人:景乃桓 教授

主持人:胡乃红 教授

时  间:2022年10月21日 10:00-11:00

地  点:腾讯会议,会议号:213350304


Quantum affine algebras are quantum enveloping algebras of affine Lie algebras, introduced independently by Drinfeld and Jimbo in their study of the Yang-Baxter equation. Representation theory of quantum affine algebras depends mostly on the Drinfeld realization,

which was announced in 1987. Ding and Frenkel proved the presentation using the Faddeev school's R-matrix method in type A in 1993. We will discuss our recent joint work with A. Molev and M. Liu on the Drinfeld realization for other classical types. Our proof extended the R-matrix method with the help of quasideterminants, and we constructed a sequence of larger quantum algebras associated with the spectral parameter dependent R-matrix. In the end, I will also briefly discuss another presentation of quantum extended affine algebras (jointly with F. Chen, F. Kong and S. Tan).

