高保真计算在科学及工程中的应用Applications of High-Fidelity Scientific Computations in Science and Engineering
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2019-06-21   浏览次数: 135



开始时间:2019-6-23(周日)  10:00-11:00  



In this talk, we will discuss spectral/hp element methods and give a brief introduction about its industrial applications, especially on laminar-turbulent transition and complex fluid flows. Maintaining laminar flow is of increasing interest on modern aircraft as evidenced by the Boeing’s Dreamliner. Although laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layers has been a fundamental topic of aerodynamics research for a number of decades, its modelling is challenging due the low level of noise required to capture and propagate the flow instabilities which are at the heart of transition.  The ability  to use these tools in transition and complex geometric configuration may well open up the possibility for broader application of passive lamina flow control and high-end industrial applications.

徐辉, 英国帝国理工学院荣誉研究员,上海交通大学航空航天学院副教授。

2009年获西安交通大学博士学位,2010年至2018年间分别在巴黎第六大学达朗贝尔研究院和英国帝国理工学院数学系与航空系从事博士后与研究员工作。徐辉博士长期从事流体力学、应用数学和计算数学交叉领域从事相关理论与应用研究。他是hp 型谱元法开源软件Nektar++的不可压缩及可压缩求解器的核心开发人员;他将高精度hp 型谱元方法首次应用于重大工程需求中——设计新一代空客商用飞机机翼及罗伊斯•罗尔斯低噪声大推力航空发动机。2019 年之前,兼任罗伊斯•罗尔斯声学部门研究员。担任Journal of Hydrodynamics 编委。他的科研工作与工程问题紧密结合,在理论与应用方面同时开展工作。其科研论文主要发表在Journal of Fluid Mechanics、Journal of Computational Physics、SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing等国际著名杂志。