The existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on K-polystable Q-Fano varieties with non-positive discrepancies
发布人: 贾挚   发布时间: 2017-11-27   浏览次数: 50
报告人:王枫副教授 (浙江大学)
主持人:朱萌 副教授
报告题目: The existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on K-polystable Q-Fano varieties with non-positive discrepancies
摘要: We will prove the YTD's conjecture for $Q-$Fano varieties X which has a log smooth resolution $M$ with non-positive discrepancies. At first, we extend Tian's work to the log smooth case. After proving the log K-stability, we get the existence of conic KE metrics on $M$. Then we show that these metrics converges to the singular KE metric on X.This is a joint work with Professsor Tian and Chi Li.