The ordinary quivers of Hochschild extension algebras for self-injective Nakayama algebras
发布人: 贾挚   发布时间: 2017-12-13   浏览次数: 101
主讲人:Hideyuki Koie博士(东京工业大学)
时间: 12月19日(周二)下午 15:00—16:00
主持人:周国栋 副教授
地点: 数学楼126室
Title: The ordinary quivers of Hochschild extension algebras for self-injective Nakayama algebras
Abstract: Let $T$ be a Hochschild extension algebra of a finite dimensional algebra $A$
over an algebraically closed field K by the standard duality $A$-bimodule ${\rm Hom}_K(A,\,K)$.
In this talk, we determine the ordinary quiver of $T$ if $A$ is a self-injective Nakayama algebra
by means of the $\mathbb{N}$-graded second Hochschild homology group $HH_2(A)$ in the sense of Sk\oldberg.