Coadjoint orbit method and quantization
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2023-05-16   浏览次数: 10

*时间:2023年5月18日  13:30-14:30


*主讲人:余世霖 教授

*主持人:罗栗 教授


The coadjoint orbit method of Kirillov and Kostant suggests that irreducible unitary representations of a Lie group can be constructed as quantization of coadjoint orbits of the group, which was later reformulated by Vogan in algebro-geometric language for noncompact reductive Lie groups. I will propose an approach to this conjecture using deformation quantization and W-algebras. This is based on joint work with Conan Leung and ongoing project with Ivan Losev.


余世霖,男,厦门大学数学科学学院教授,2013年于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvannia State University)获得博士学位。2019年入选国家高层次青年人才计划。主要从事非交换几何和李群表示论方面的研究。研究成果发表在Duke Math. J., Math. Ann., Adv. Math. 等学术期刊上。