The inverse spectral problem of planar domains
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2020-09-18   浏览次数: 33

*主讲人:魏巧玲 副教授(首都师范大学)

*主持人:张静 副教授            


*地点:腾讯会议ID:639 704 664 会议密码:1234 


魏巧玲,1986年出生,2003年考入清华大学数学系,为当年广西自治区理科状元。2008年赴法国巴黎留学读研,2013年在巴黎第七大学获得博士学位,随后在法国尼斯大学做博士后研究。2014年她从法国学成归国,加入首都师范大学数学科学学院。现为首都师范大学数学科学学院副教授。研究方向为动力系统。2017年,在“听音辨鼓”问题上取得重大进展,研究成果发表在国际顶尖杂志《Annals of mathematics》上。


This talk is related to the famous question Can you hear the shape of a drum? by M.Kac in 1966. That is, whether a planar domain can be uniquely determined by its Laplace spectrum consisting of eigenvalues of a Dirichlet problem. Meanwhile, from dynamical aspect, there is length spectrum consisting of perimeters of all periodic orbits of a billiard problem inside the domain. The Laplace and length spectra are closely related. During the talk, we will present some history and recent progress with dynamical approach on this old topic.