Developments and Applications of Delta Shock Waves
发布人: 曹思圆   发布时间: 2020-10-16   浏览次数: 26

*主讲人:杨汉春 教授(云南大学)

*主持人:袁海荣 教授            


*地点:腾讯会议 ID:424 957 782


In this talk, we first present an overview of the delta shock waves. Then we introduce our researches on the delta shock waves with Dirac delta functions developing in both state variables for a class of nonstrictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. We show the generality and practicability of our theory on the delta shock waves which can be successfully applied to those systems investigated by Korchinski(1977), Tan, Zhang and Zheng(1991), Ercole(2000), Cheng and Yang(2011), etc, and we give a simplified approach to solve a two-dimensional Riemann problem for the Burgers-type equations considered by Tan and Zhang(1990) for the 4Js’ case. Finally, we also present some recent researches for the equations of geometrical optics proposed by Engquist and Runborg in 1996.

