Bistable nonlinearity with discontinuity and traveling waves with free boundary
发布人: 系统管理员   发布时间: 2015-10-13   浏览次数: 48
题  目:Bistable nonlinearity with discontinuity and traveling waves with free boundary
报告人:: Yongjung Kim
时  间:10月13日周二下午1:30-2:30
地  点:闵行校区数学楼102报告厅
报告人简介: 韩国高等科学技术学院(KAIST)数学系教授。1999年美国University of Wisconsin 获          博士学位。主要研究非线性偏微分方程、非线性扩散、生物数学、反问题等。
Traveling wave solution of a bistable equation is well understood when the nonlinearity is smooth. In this talk we will consider a case that the nonlinearity has has a discontinuity at zero. This discontinuity may give us interesting phenomenon such as finite time extinction, Allee effect, or free boundary.