Keller-Segel models coupled to fluid equations
发布人: 系统管理员   发布时间: 2015-10-13   浏览次数: 49
题  目:Keller-Segel models coupled to fluid equations
报告人:Kyungkeun Kang
时  间:10月20日周二下午1:30-2:30
地  点:闵行校区数学楼102报告厅
韩国Yonsei University 数学系教授。2002年美国 University of Minnesota获博士学位。主要研究非线性偏微分方程,包括流体方程、chemotaxis方程、几何映照方程等。
We consider a coupled system of Keller-Segel type equations and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, which describes the dynamics of swimming bacteria consuming oxygen in fluid. We discuss existence and regularity of solutions as well as their tempral asymptotics in case that solutions exist globally in time.